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 How Fitting for a Derp Like Mii!

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3 posters
Sergeant (F)
Sergeant (F)

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How Fitting for a Derp Like Mii! Empty
PostSubject: How Fitting for a Derp Like Mii!   How Fitting for a Derp Like Mii! Empty3/14/2012, 17:43

l like the ending l got for Fallout 3...

"Lazzarith, we gotta active the water purifier or else this place will explode because REASONS! But it's so radioactive in there, whoever does it will prolly die! ...Who wants to draw the first straw?"
"Oh, don't worry Brotherhood Lady, l'll do it because l'm the nicest bucking guy in all of DC! Besides, l have 50 Rad Aways; l'll lives."
*runs into chamber*
"lol, so, what do l do? Uhhh..."
*runs around the circular chamber one lap*
"l dunno what to do here, mang!"
*Derps eyes to a number pad*
"Oh! Right! Input activation code!"
"Ohnoes, a cutscene forcing me to die! D:"
*cue ending FMV*
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Not As High As Snipe
Not As High As Snipe

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How Fitting for a Derp Like Mii! Empty
PostSubject: Re: How Fitting for a Derp Like Mii!   How Fitting for a Derp Like Mii! Empty3/16/2012, 15:34

What is Fallout?
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Sergeant (F)
Sergeant (F)

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How Fitting for a Derp Like Mii! Empty
PostSubject: Re: How Fitting for a Derp Like Mii!   How Fitting for a Derp Like Mii! Empty3/16/2012, 18:06

It's like Skyrim...but with guns and science and post-apocalypse-land. Pretty fun.
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Not As High As Snipe
Not As High As Snipe

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How Fitting for a Derp Like Mii! Empty
PostSubject: Re: How Fitting for a Derp Like Mii!   How Fitting for a Derp Like Mii! Empty3/17/2012, 09:33

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Sergeant (F)
Sergeant (F)

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How Fitting for a Derp Like Mii! Empty
PostSubject: Re: How Fitting for a Derp Like Mii!   How Fitting for a Derp Like Mii! Empty3/17/2012, 20:08

That one thing you can learn about if you Google it, y'know?
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How Fitting for a Derp Like Mii! Empty
PostSubject: Re: How Fitting for a Derp Like Mii!   How Fitting for a Derp Like Mii! Empty3/17/2012, 23:21

You should have had Fawks do it. Or if you get Broken Steel you wake up like three weeks later in a hospitable or something.
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Not As High As Snipe
Not As High As Snipe

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How Fitting for a Derp Like Mii! Empty
PostSubject: Re: How Fitting for a Derp Like Mii!   How Fitting for a Derp Like Mii! Empty3/20/2012, 14:51

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Sergeant (F)
Sergeant (F)

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How Fitting for a Derp Like Mii! Empty
PostSubject: Re: How Fitting for a Derp Like Mii!   How Fitting for a Derp Like Mii! Empty3/20/2012, 16:19

So Fawkes doing it could have been an option? Must've been hidden from me for some reason, because he can handle radiation, like he mentioned before. >:[
Then again, the ending scene would've probably talked down about me not dying like Dad did.
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How Fitting for a Derp Like Mii! Empty
PostSubject: Re: How Fitting for a Derp Like Mii!   How Fitting for a Derp Like Mii! Empty3/20/2012, 16:56

Yeah, only nubs die in Radiation. And me.
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Sergeant (F)
Sergeant (F)

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How Fitting for a Derp Like Mii! Empty
PostSubject: Re: How Fitting for a Derp Like Mii!   How Fitting for a Derp Like Mii! Empty5/25/2012, 16:13

And people who try to get into Vault 87 directly?
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How Fitting for a Derp Like Mii! Empty
PostSubject: Re: How Fitting for a Derp Like Mii!   How Fitting for a Derp Like Mii! Empty5/25/2012, 19:36

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