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 How about a game of RISK?

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3 posters
Private (F)
Private (F)

Posts : 38
Join date : 2012-05-06
Age : 30
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How about a game of RISK? Empty
PostSubject: How about a game of RISK?   How about a game of RISK? Empty5/6/2012, 15:30

It's available for free with no download, if you sign up (also free) at!
By the way, my username there is HazeCreed. See you on the battlefield! geek
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Join date : 2009-01-08
Age : 29
Location : Here. Duh.

How about a game of RISK? Empty
PostSubject: Re: How about a game of RISK?   How about a game of RISK? Empty5/6/2012, 15:34

Oh boy...
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Private (F)
Private (F)

Posts : 38
Join date : 2012-05-06
Age : 30
Location : Location is not a factor.

How about a game of RISK? Empty
PostSubject: Re: How about a game of RISK?   How about a game of RISK? Empty5/6/2012, 15:59

Just a word of caution. There are advertisements after every 2 rotations.
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Sergeant (F)
Sergeant (F)

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Age : 31
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How about a game of RISK? Empty
PostSubject: Re: How about a game of RISK?   How about a game of RISK? Empty5/7/2012, 15:11

But I'm bad at being active with everything else!
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How about a game of RISK? Empty
PostSubject: Re: How about a game of RISK?   How about a game of RISK? Empty

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How about a game of RISK?
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